Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I am forever thankful for my children, and everyday that I have to tell them how much I love them. Everyday that I get to hug them, speak with them, spend every moment of time I can with them. I am thankful for all those hours I spend at their practices being able to watch them move, and be, to see them live their lives.
This has been a rough week in our community. My oldest son had some friends that were killed in a car accident, two died and two were seriously hurt. It has been a huge reminder to me of what is truly important in life, the people you love. It is amazing how many lives are affected by this, it is like a spider web that spreads through out the community. It has touched so many different people.
Losing a child is tragic, heartbreaking. The hardest funerals I have ever attended involved those under 20 years old. It just is not natural. And so wrenching to the heart of every parent. My heart is crying for those parents that lost their sons. They were good boys, and the light of their parents lives. I can only imagine what I would feel if my son had been in that car. It is a horrible feeling to feel relief that your child is okay, when someone else has lost their precious child. I long for their children to be okay also.
It is painful to understand, let alone explain these deaths to my younger children. Hard to let your kids walk out the door out of your sight. I feel like I have to call Anthony everyday just to hear his voice and know that he is Okay. I am sad that his life will be forever changed by these events. This is the first death of a friend that he has experienced. It is always that first tragic event that changes your whole being. He will never be that young carefree kid that doesn't know this pain. It makes me cry for his group of friends that will feel this loss for so long.
It was a huge wake up call for me. I question the things I find myself focusing on. Does it really matter if Coltons soccer team sucks this year. Will it change things if they don't do the dishes the way I would like them done. Does it really matter that they forgot for TWO weeks to put out the garbage can (BUT MAN WAS I MAD BEFORE THIS!). Or when they ate the last jar of canned peaches that I really, really wanted. I realized that these are such minor things and really will be lost in the big picture of this thing we call life.
So here I sit praying that these families have the strength to make it through their tragedy. Hope that they will have the support they need. Hope that they find a way to make it through all of this with their sanity intact, because that is what I feel I would lose if it was me. And forever and ever thankful for every single minute (even the arguments where I want to duct tape their mouths shut) that I have with my children.
My moto this month is: Hug your children and tell them you love them every single day, you don't know how long you have them for.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I know mine will be spent reflecting on the important things in my life. I hope yours is a happy one also!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
In my house the kids are required to be involved in some sport or physical activity. Each of them has chosen soccer as their activity, after trying multiple other sports, and dancing for Mariah. For all of you with kids in sports or any activity you know about the politics involved. The higher the competition the more politics it seems to involve. It is horrible being the parent and trying to navigate through this mess we adults create, there should really be some guide to help us out. Colton is my first child involved in select so it has been a true learning experience these past few years. This is Mariah's first year in the program and she is loving it, especially her coach.
The only club Colton has wanted to play for since starting select is the one he is at. He is on the B team, but striving for the A team. We have had a lot of problems on his team this year. It is like the A team is the all important team and the B team is the forgotten kids. There was a high turn over rate, players not really meshing together and the other usual team problems. As in every club (I am discovering) promises were made at the beginning of the season and not followed through on. Promises that they would move players between teams, and practice both squads together to help the B team prepare to move up. The usual things these clubs promise, others are just better at following through on them.
Those of you who know me, know that I am a bit of an ostrich when it comes to confronting issues. I really don't like to complain, it makes me uneasy. I like to bury my head, and hope upon all hope, it will fix itself. That will last for only so long, and then it is like an explosion, and my head pops off and starts spinning around....I am sure that is what my family sees. Especially if you are messing with my kids. So after listening to all the Dads on the team bitch and moan about the issues, I couldn't take it any more. I did the last thing I really like to do. I confronted the issues with our coach and the Directors of our club.
Thanks to a little motivation from my husband, my Mom and my sister Kim. I forced myself to compose a letter. Kim helped me revise it and I got the courage (that was probably more the anger) up and emailed the letter off. I addressed the issues I saw happening and some specific ones that involved Colton, and the position he plays. I am always hesitant to do this just because I worry that it will be Colton that is punished in the end. I was very skeptical that it would even make a difference. My experience so far had been that they just blow you off and tell you they are the coaches and they make the decisions, even though I am the person paying their salary!
I would like to say I am very happy with the results, thus far. A few other parents spoke up (but not the most vocal complainers!) and voiced their opinions, and backed up what I had to say. Our coach actually answered back and said sorry that he was unapproachable. He told me that Colton is a real trouper and willing to play whatever position he is asked. He acknowledged that Colton has been asking to play a different position, which is huge. I tried to address him last year and got the response listed above. The players Director and the A team coach actually contacted me and the other parents. It actually looks like they will be following through on some of their promises to these boys. That is MY biggest complaint, don't make promises or suggestions and then not follow through with kids. They take this to heart and get so disappointed and less trusting when that happens.
I can't express enough how much happier I am now. For me it is a huge deal that I actually stood up and said my peace. The older I get the better I am getting at doing this. I am a people pleaser and I don't like to make waves. I want everyone to be happy, but I have discovered that if I am not happy than it really doesn't matter if the others are happy or not. I feel like now I can face this losing soccer season and be happy with the progress each of my children are making in their sport.
Ahhhh so much better than being angry every time I leave the soccer field. Especially seems that I am spending 5 out of the 7 days of my week at the fields. Makes everyone in my house a little happier too, just ask my husband!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A whole week spent with all of my immediate family, cousins and more than a few of our friends. No major arguments. Instead we all passed around the Norovirus (for all that don't know it is the stomach flu, it comes out both ends!). That was awesome.....NOT!!! Even that could not ruin our good times, we made it through. I have never spent so much time discussing our bodily functions as an adult....actually I don't remember discussing it that much as a kid either. It was rather funny, after I started feeling better. It is quite amazing how quickly and randomly it makes its way through a group of people.
It was very strange being at the lake this year without my oldest son. It is the first time in 20 years that he was not with me at Curlew. It was a different vacation all around for me. Both my younger two are old enough to do so much by themselves. Strange not to have a little one to hang on me or to chase after. It was nice but a little sad also.
The kids all had a great time as usual. The four boy cousins had a great time. Lots of fishing, wake boarding, surfing and of course inner-tubing! Mariah lucked out and one of our friends with twin girls her age were there. It was a nice surprise for her, usually she is the lone older girl.
Mariah learned to surf this year, she is amazing. She made wake boarding look so easy, up and out of the water like she has been doing it for years! She is going to keep up with those boys if it kills her. This year she loved inner-tubing, she even wanted to go fast and furious, so different from last year.
Colton was amazing as usual. He is so hard on himself, never thinking he is as good as the older boys. I remind him (and his Aunt Kim does also) that he is almost two years younger than the other boys. He did a butter slide on the wake board, he is very excited about that. He looked awesome when he surfed and had so much fun riding the tube. One of our friends Aaron brought his stand up jet ski for the boys to ride. I was leery about letting Colton ride it, but his Aunt Kim said go ahead. All the other boys were taking turns. Next year Colton and Joe and hopefully Austin and Alex will all have their boating permits so I won't have to worry as much about them riding the ski's or driving the boats.
The water was amazing, so warm. We swam almost every day. Darrel, Dad, Troy and the boys did awesome fishing. Spent lots time playing Yahtzee. Mom and Rob had a little water fight during our late night Yahtzee, it was hilarious and everyone ended up with either water or someones drink on them. Our poor neighbors, we laughed forever.
Thankfully the trip home was uneventful. I hate to say it but it was nice to come home to the cooler weather for a few days, I missed the rain this summer, happy to see some of it. My lawn and plants are especially happy too.
Vacation is awesome but it is amazing how nice it feels to be home. Our kitty Ms Olivia missed us and has been on her best behavior since we came back. Amazing for her.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Mariah
Mariah... so many things to be said about her. She is a very strong willed child (some days the battle of wills about does me in!!). She is so determined to do her best, a perfectionist in so many ways. She is loving, caring and thoughtful. So super smart it scares me. She is an artist beyond anything I ever imagined I could be. She is such a good reader, reading at above a 6th grade level in 3rd grade. She is a good daughter, sister, cousin and friend. She brings light into each day with her sense of humor, smile and hugs and kisses.
Happy Birthday my nephew Joe!! He is Mariah's other brother in all senses of the word. He spent much of his growing up years at our house. Darrel and I consider ourselves his second parents. And believe me if you have ever been at my house they all fight just like siblings do!!
Joe has overcome a lot in life. He started school with a learning disability and taking medication. He has overcome that and no longer needs the medication or extra help. He is thriving in high school. You can see him becoming such a grown up young man. I can't believe he is 15 yrs old. His mom has done a great job with him. We are so proud of all of his accomplishments. He is very smart, and determined to do the very best. He made his high school soccer team, out of 70+ kids that tried out, no small feat!!
Happy Birthday Joe!!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Northwest Weather
You have to love the Great Northwest Weather!!!! You can go from city to city and never know what to expect!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Government Bailout
If you do disagree with me, please remember my favorite saying :
"An opinion is just an opinion, it is neither right nor wrong, but just my opinion."
I as a taxpayer would like to know what you in the (insert whichever government personel, this one happened to be to our Senator Patty Murray) are doing to protect my families interest! I am so disgusted by this whole bailout of these companies that are using OUR TAXPAYER MONEY to make themselves RICHER, while my family struggles from paycheck to paycheck.
This is ridiculous, these companies have no MORALS, and you in the Senate keep bailing them out. Please tell me how this is helping us? The banks are keeping our money, not lending to regular people, AND giving big bonuses to the people who have caused the issues to begin with. Where is this helping us the everyday American.
We the American people look like IDIOTS around the world. We give our money to companies that are poorly managed and let the same management stay in power.
Please tell me how the Government is going to fix this. I do not want to hear about bailing out any more poorly managed companies. The government does not bail me out if I miss manage my finances, so why are you doing this for the Multi Millionaires. Is the Government getting something more out of this than we the people can see? Is the Government going to manage my other money in the same way?
Please let us everyday Americans know why we should continue to trust in you and the Government. I am waiting for something that will strike me as honest and in my best interest. I am having a hard time teaching my children that the Government is there for us the People, and not just for the Multi Millionaire People. I am more and more discouraged by the whole fiasco we call The United States Government and those that are in charge of this never ending bailout of irresponsible companies.
I will be sending this letter out to as many emails in the Government that I can, and I am anxious to hear what you have to say. I will be posting your response on my blog for all to read your answers.
A Sincere US Citizen
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
No Manners!
So being overly sensitive, and socially awkward I am not one to join a bunch of school groups (PTA) and so forth. Or I should say I join but do not participate in the meeting portions of the group . I do volunteer and will do any project that they need help on, but I just cannot force myself to go sit in a meeting with a Cliquey bunch of women. It makes me feel like a child again, sitting on the outside and never quite in there. The funny part is that I know a lot of these women and speak to them on a regular basis at school, but that Clique factor is still there no matter how many times they publish a letter saying THEY are not like that! HMMMMM
So it all comes down to making me uncomfortable enough that I am going to write this post. I am like an ostrich and would rather bury my head in the sand than deal with uncomfortable situations. I will actually let people make me feel bad rather than confront them, but only for so long. I see now where Colton gets his temper while playing soccer. You can push him a couple times, but just know when he has had enough, you are going to be the one who is on the ground when he is done. I am a little the same way, I will take things for quite awhile, but after so long I will not take it anymore.
Here is the issue. Apparently our school has a group of moms that meet for coffee on a regular basis. A lot of them are the PTA moms, it seems. I volunteer with two of the moms Monday through Wednesday for about a half hour each day. One of the moms brought up inviting me to the group while we were all working together (talk about uncomfortable, insert here!!) the other mom just did not reply at all (the exact conversations was "( So and so tell Tami about our coffee group!" and then dead silence, no acknowledgment at all) . Okay, if that isn't a crunchy feeling! The subject was quickly changed to something else.
If they knew me, they would know I don't really like to do those social things anyways, and I would not have taken them up on the offer. Just in case you think I am a total loser, I do have a large social group that I am friends with, so I am not totally socially incompetent, wink, wink!
So after that uncomfortable encounter about not being invited to the COFFEE GROUP, I let it go, no big deal. Then in three more situations, with the same ladies and another mom, the Coffee Group is brought up and discussed in front of me among these 2 or 3 ladies and just me, no one else is there. They talk about how much fun it is, are you going, lets meet up.........and yada yada yada, all while we are standing together. Now I am to the point I just think it is downright FLIPPING RUDE! (Notice Mom I did not use that word you hate, but I might be thinking it :)
Isn't one of the first things you learn as a kid that if you are not going to include someone in something than DON'T TALK ABOUT IT IN FRONT OF THEM! It is certainly one of the things I have taught MY children. Maybe some adults need to revisit this lesson... just saying!
The funny/not so funny part about this whole thing is, that our membership for PTA is dropping like a rock, at a school that used to have a very large membership. So at the beginning of the year the PTA president (who may or may not be one of these women) wrote a letter saying how they encourage others to join and participate in the PTA, and they are not a Clique. I think this is one of those exact moments if you could take a picture and send it to back to that group so they could see their REAL PICTURE, they might be surprised how they look to us on the outside looking in.
I know everybody has things they are good at, and things that they are not so great at. I totally embrace these things about myself, hence telling everyone in the world that I am socially awkward. BUT if you are in charge of a group, or really, even a member of the group, even if you also feel socially inadequate, it is YOUR DUTY!! to help others feel invited and comfortable when joining your group (especially if you are begging for people to be involved in said GROUP)!!
Sigh, I am brushing it off again. The dumb part about all of this is, that I let it hurt my feelings EVEN THOUGH I really (and I am honestly not just saying this) really don't want to, and never would go to this type of thing. I would just like people to have some common MANNERS!
How about THIS people, you EXERCISE your right to not say anything at all.
Okay, I feel much better now that I have gotten this off my chest. I can avoid being a Bitch to these ladies. I can chalk it up to either they are RUDE, INCONSIDERATE, or just plain..... so many things I could say, just insert your own thought here. In which case none of the above is a reflection on me.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mexican Cruise 2009!!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Memorial to Uncle Steve
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Adventures Begin
We are so excited for some sunshine and a trip of a lifetime. I am so happy that Anthony and his girlfriend Melaina are going with us so we can experience it all together. Hopefully sleep will come easier tonight! Off to new adventures!!