Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Well our annual family camping trip went great! Never mind the 5 hours we were stuck at Vantage rest area on the hottest day, it was over 100 degrees. Our old motor home does NOT like that kind of heat, who can blame it, we were not loving it ourselves! We kept getting vapor locking, but that was our only problem on the 6 hour drive that took 12 hours. It was great people watching time at the rest area, we played Yahtzee and watched a movie and all the other people overheating from the heat. There was a little Mexican couple selling watermelons for $5 a piece. The watermelon looked yummy, but way to hot and sticky for that. They sold quite a few while we were there. We got quite a laugh when they pulled out their umbrella. We thought they were finally going to need some shade to sit in, but instead they covered their watermelon to shield them from the sun. The important things in life you know.

A whole week spent with all of my immediate family, cousins and more than a few of our friends. No major arguments. Instead we all passed around the Norovirus (for all that don't know it is the stomach flu, it comes out both ends!). That was awesome.....NOT!!! Even that could not ruin our good times, we made it through. I have never spent so much time discussing our bodily functions as an adult....actually I don't remember discussing it that much as a kid either. It was rather funny, after I started feeling better. It is quite amazing how quickly and randomly it makes its way through a group of people.

It was very strange being at the lake this year without my oldest son. It is the first time in 20 years that he was not with me at Curlew. It was a different vacation all around for me. Both my younger two are old enough to do so much by themselves. Strange not to have a little one to hang on me or to chase after. It was nice but a little sad also.

The kids all had a great time as usual. The four boy cousins had a great time. Lots of fishing, wake boarding, surfing and of course inner-tubing! Mariah lucked out and one of our friends with twin girls her age were there. It was a nice surprise for her, usually she is the lone older girl.

Mariah learned to surf this year, she is amazing. She made wake boarding look so easy, up and out of the water like she has been doing it for years! She is going to keep up with those boys if it kills her. This year she loved inner-tubing, she even wanted to go fast and furious, so different from last year.

Colton was amazing as usual. He is so hard on himself, never thinking he is as good as the older boys. I remind him (and his Aunt Kim does also) that he is almost two years younger than the other boys. He did a butter slide on the wake board, he is very excited about that. He looked awesome when he surfed and had so much fun riding the tube. One of our friends Aaron brought his stand up jet ski for the boys to ride. I was leery about letting Colton ride it, but his Aunt Kim said go ahead. All the other boys were taking turns. Next year Colton and Joe and hopefully Austin and Alex will all have their boating permits so I won't have to worry as much about them riding the ski's or driving the boats.

The water was amazing, so warm. We swam almost every day. Darrel, Dad, Troy and the boys did awesome fishing. Spent lots time playing Yahtzee. Mom and Rob had a little water fight during our late night Yahtzee, it was hilarious and everyone ended up with either water or someones drink on them. Our poor neighbors, we laughed forever.

Thankfully the trip home was uneventful. I hate to say it but it was nice to come home to the cooler weather for a few days, I missed the rain this summer, happy to see some of it. My lawn and plants are especially happy too.

Vacation is awesome but it is amazing how nice it feels to be home. Our kitty Ms Olivia missed us and has been on her best behavior since we came back. Amazing for her.