Thursday, February 9, 2017


Empathy, the definition: the feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions : the ability to share someone else's feelings.

This is our issue in America, it is an epidemic in our children that we are failing at an unimaginable rate. Do you wonder why we are having issues with our children shooting each other at the very places that they gather to learn and that should create fellowship and friendship among them? Why they feel no remorse at killing their peers? I think of it often since the Columbine shooting.

I am not even going to go into the gun issue, yes we have a problem, I am not opposed to rules but without addressing the real issues in society it is not going to help. The law abiding citizens are not the people killing others, it is the emotionally and mentally challenged that are. Why don't we address our very poor mental health system?

Even more importantly why don't we address our generation of children that are lacking empathy for others? They are a generation lost, with no clear lines on who they answer to for their actions. Whether you believe in God, a higher power or don't believe at all, there still must be somebody whom these children FEEL that is owed their respect and love. Lack of feelings for others is the mess we are leaving for this generation. It is just getting worse with the social media available and the lack of control parents have over this. It is easy to be mean to somebody from your bedroom where no one can see your ugly nature. To not care that you make someone feel bad, with out real life interaction you don't have to feel their pain. It is easy for children to hide their pain from parents, to feel helpless, unloved, locked away with no parental interaction. We abuse our weakest society the most, children and elderly. They have so much to give, if we could only get them together.

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