Sunday, June 20, 2021

To all the fathers we love

So many Dads so little appreciation some days. Sometimes I feel dads are forgotten the rest of the year. They are so often the behind the scenes, hard working, making things happen people.  I am so grateful to love many. Especially thankful for the very best, my dad. Also for my husband who is the best dad my kids could have, and seeing my son as a dad now. Nothing is better than that.

Our dad has always been the hardest working person I know. He set a standard for work ethic. I see the same drive in my husband and kids.  Some may not know him well but he has the biggest heart and outpouring of love for everyone. Once he knows you, he hugs you so be prepared. 

Growing up with my dad he taught us so much. How to water ski (me, all my siblings, most of my cousins and many friends!), drive a boat, fish, draw, ride a bike, check the oil in my car, swim, to drive fast and my love of muscle cars. He showed us that he was willing to do most anything. Change the engine in an my car, re-fiberglass and reupholster a whole boat. Fix anything, and if he couldn’t he would find someone who could.

The most important thing he gave me are expectations on my relationship and what I wanted in a marriage. As in everything we should choose what we want from our parents examples for our own lives and leave what we don’t. If you know nothing else, let me tell you there has never been a doubt that my dad loves my mom, all of his children, and by children I mean both birth and those that are choosen, grandchildren and great grandchildren. He set an example of the love I wanted in my marriage. So many of his attributes that I love I see in Darrel. 

Dad is a prankster, I see his sense of humor in my boys. So many times he has made us laugh. One summer at Curlew he and my Uncle Duane thought it was hilarious to sink my cousin Diane and I. My Uncle Duane circled our raft in the boat while my dad was water skiing. My dad could throw the biggest rooster tail while slalom skiing. Filled our boat and we ended up swimming back. Many a summer someone would not get off the dock quick enough before dad came by and drenched them. If he and one of my uncles ask you to drive them bass fishing, just say NO! I tried one summer with him and Uncle Leroy and they caught way more trees than fish that trip, they thought it was hilarious. 

My parents have shown us what unconditional love is. They have shown us a deep faith in god, my dad was baptized into the Catholic faith after I was born. There is never a doubt how deeply he believes. Their example shines bright for so very many. Always willing to help others. 

Thank you dad for always being there, for loving us during the good and not so great times. You mean so much to us and we are forever grateful of the example you have given us to live by. 

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads,especially mine,  your example shines on in all the kids that you have loved.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

A Mother’s love

 Mother’s Day is this weekend, it’s always a challenge to come up with a creative gift. This year I thought I would write my mom a love note for all the gifts of love she has given us.

Have you met my mom? If not you should make it your mission. There is not another person I know that loves as big as she does. My mom and dad are the foundation we are built on. The ones that accept everyone as family.

Growing up they showed us family was first. From the beginning our camping tradition started with my moms parents and siblings and all our cousins. Each year we go to the same campground with 20-40 of our family and friends that have become family. It is what we all look forward to every summer.

As a child your mom is everything. My mom showed me strenghth in adversity, loyalty, compassion and never ending love. My parents gave us a work ethic that we each emulate in our own ways. I see it in my children everyday.

Mom showed us how to stand up to bullies. She has the kindest heart until you hurt her children. There was more than one nun that encountered my moms anger. Sister Ruth did not learn from the first time she took my mom on when I was in third grade. I was a highly emotional, cry at the drop of a hat girl. Sister Ruth threatened to make me wear a sign saying I was a cry baby, I am sure she regretted it after my mom yelled at her. I will never forget standing outside that door hearing my mom stand up for me. I always knew she would take on anyone from then on. Nine years later my sister who is left handed had Sister Ruth, again Sister Ruth brought the wrath of Darlene on herself by insisting Kim use her right hand. As I am sure you can guess Kim is still a lefty. I have never forgotten that lesson. As a parent I have found the strength when I have doubted myself to stand up for my children.

My mom leads by example. She is always volunteering, helping out, and giving freely of her time. She taught us the values we carry now and cherish. Being an introvert it was a huge struggle to put myself out to volunteer at the kids school. My mom said if you don’t do it who will? I am so glad I did it. I treasure the times I spent watching all the kids through the years.

 Mom was always making sure we knew that we were equal in her heart. She loved her parents deeply and shared that with each of us. The value of a grandparents love is above measure. I still miss all my grandparents. Being a grandparent now is more words than I  can describe, joyuous wonder in every moment. Seeing my mom with her great granddaughter is the memories you lock in your heart forever. Hearing Amaya say  to my mom “love you GiGi” is heart melting.

My love of sports is from my mom. She loves all sports, gave us each the opportunity to try out many. She drove us to sports practices, games and recitals, so many you can never count them all. She took us to sporting events when she could. I remember the Sonics games. She is always at every game of every child or grandchild she can make. There to cheer everyone on and let them know they are loved. 

My favorite life advice my mom gave me is, change what you don’t like that my parents did, and keep what you do like, and always try to do better. I say this often to my kids. My mom and dad have shown us that marriage is hard, it takes lots of hard work, and is a choice you make everyday. 

Growing up my dad worked hard and many hours to support us. My mom was known to take four kids plus some cousins on road trips, camping trips, drive in movies in the camper, or just across the mountains to stay with our grandparents. Kim and I recognize this is why we have been willing to do this so often ourselves as our kids grew up. Taking adventures in a car full of kids is more fun than you can imagine, some of the best memories made. We have laughed and possibly cried through many miles, mountains and states. Our family joke for many years was calling mom Whiplash Wilma after her speeding ticket across the mountains. 

Thank you mom for the love, memories, and best friends/siblings anyone could dream of. We may fight loudly but under it we love deeply. All because you and dad are our parents. Through life, death, tragedy, the greatest moments, and the deepest sadness you have always been the people we knew we could depend upon. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all the women that have raised children, that give all for the children they love. Especially to our mom, who puts up with all the crazy kids in her life! Celebrate with love and joy!