Friday, February 18, 2011

Best Dog Ever

This love story started back in the year 2ooo. We decided to get a new puppy to replace our dog that had been put down. Foolishly we thought that two black lab puppies would be better than one. Let me tell you all, DON'T DO IT!! It ended badly for one of the puppies and was a very sad time.

The other puppy Storm grew to a great old age. He was the best dog I could ever ask for. He was a babysitter, friend, helper and true love of my kids lives. Mariah was one years old when we brought him home, Colton was 4 and Anthony 11. Storm was Anthony's dog in every way, but he shared him with all of us. They grew together and loved. He was the best friend two little boys, a little girl, and all their cousins and friends could ask for. There was never a ball, stick or body of water that he would not chase or jump into. Hours upon hours of chasing a ball, sitting next to the swimming pool waiting for his kids to splash him or throw the ball he dropped in for him. Always by their side when they were home, or sitting close to the window waiting for them to come back to him.

Storm considered it his job to make sure his kids were safe, and no stranger was ever allowed with in feet of them. This was Storm's personal mission. Storm would put his body between anyone he did not know and his kids. He was a great protector, I knew my kids were always safe outside when their dog was with them. He would herd the little ones if he felt they were to close to the edge of the grass, bark if the kids left the yard and he didn't want them to.

Hard to remember the trials of the puppy days, but there were all the usual, chewed up drywall, chewed up furniture. The nights being up all night. The chasing down of a rogue puppy running the neighborhood. The dog police showing up at our house, giving us our third and final notice, if our dog escaped again someone was going to spend some time in the pokey. They let us know there are no bad dogs, just bad dog owners which I guess is very true. We have laughed about that for many years now. Food snatched from the table or counter. Now these seem such a small price to pay for the unconditional love that was given for 11 years.

We have known that the time was coming close. I have tried to prepare my children for the sad part of life.....death. It is not easy and so hard to understand. How to explain it is best that we put our dog to sleep so he does not suffer anymore. We don't do that to humans so how can I expect my daughter to understand it is okay to do to her best friend? How do I answer the questions she has. She is worried that our other dog and cat are not going to understand where Storm has gone. Worried she will forget how Storm's fur feels, the sound of his bark when she gets home. That he will no longer be lying next to her bed during the night making her feel safe.

This has been a hard week at our house. Reality has come, and today our best friend is going to sleep forever. My kids hearts are breaking and I cannot stop the pain. My daughter has cried herself to sleep every night. My oldest is brooding and quiet, spending as much time here with his friend as he can. My middle child is silent and unhappy. We have had a parade of cousins and friends that grew up with Storm coming by to spend a few minutes with him. He is loved by so many and will be missed by all. He has been my constant companion, there when the kids have left me for school, keeping me company and always making me feel safe.

Goodbye to THE BEST DOG EVER. I can't stop crying. My life once again is changing, a constant in my life is leaving us and I am going to be sad for so long. I hate that I cannot fix the pain my children are feeling, but recognize this is an important part of life. Death sucks, but we all know that we have to face it and deal with it.

Thank you Storm for your unconditional love and beauty that you have given us for 11 of the best years. We will love you and think of you often.


carrie said...

I am so very sorry for your family's loss. Big hugs to you all. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Dear EDG,
you probably woke up this morning and forgot for half a second that you didn't need to get him to the door to go out or fish for his biscuit or check his water bowl. I just want you to know that I was weepy into my morning coffee while reading your post. You eloquently described my very similar experiences. I offer my condolences to you and your family.