Friday, March 18, 2022

Sister, best friend, therapist

 This month we celebrate my baby sister. The one I carried around like my baby doll, who from an early age was the boss of us all. I practiced all my parenting skills on Kim and Troy before I ever thought of being a mom. 

To those who might not know Kim (hard to believe there is anyone who doesn’t know her!) let me tell you what we all know. She is the very best person you will ever meet. Her love, personality, and giving nature are bigger than words can say. If there is something that needs to be done she is the first one there, rallying us all. The gift of service and volunteerism is a treasure our parents have passed down. Kim gives this gift freely and lovingly. 

Our childhood was made up of amazing times, summers of camping and holidays with our beloved Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. It was also all the arguments, fights and normal sibling things. The one thing we always knew was that we could count on each other. Loyalty to the end, then and now. 

I am forever thankful for my sister, best friend and therapist. We have had ups and downs, the best laughter and river of tears. The last four years we have lived with a grief so deep it was hard to see the surface. Grief that felt as if we were being held under a pressing amount of blankets, suffocating. Each year a few blankets have been lifted, the surface is in sight. Everyday we talk, some days about Austin, every single day about our kids. Parenting is hard, having Kim to talk me off the ledge on days I am failing is what makes sense out of nonsense. My doctor once asked if I would like a referral for a therapist, I told her I had one, my sister. 

Kim is my childrens other mother, the first person to offer comfort, the most honest person you will ever meet (and if you don’t want the answer don’t ask her the question!). Our family is a village and so many days she is the strength. I am forever grateful for the gift of my siblings, especially my best sister friend. My wish for everyone is that they have a Kim in their lives. 

Now let’s celebrate!!